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  • Writer's pictureYeladenu

“Yeladnu” operation, week 7: supporting youth at risk

Seventh week into the war, and we continue to do everything we can to help the children of the conflict lines in the south and restore their mental strength. The "Hashahar" complexes - the temporary resilience centers in the Dead Sea and Eilat are busy with activity. Last week, over 1,800 children and teenagers participated in the activities and the “older Brother” meetings. The sounds of laughter and the smiles on their faces charge us with the strength to continue.

As part of "Yeladenu" operation, dozens of informal activities take place every day in a variety of locations: in the complexes, in the evacuation zones, in the temporary schools, in the public areas and in the hotels.

We are also collaborating with the formal education system - informal activities that strengthen resilience take place in the temporary schools set up for the evacuated children and youth, and the students even come to informal activities in our complex during the school day.

The temporary school for special education established for evacuees in Eilat began to hold classes in the morning hours in a designated area of ​​the complex.

Dealing with youth at risk

Boys and girls in Eilat, who do not take part in the formal and informal activities in the city, are exposed to various risks such as: alcohol, vandalism, drugs and more. After realizing the scope of the phenomenon, “Yeladenu” team formulated an intervention plan in collaboration with experts and the community, and we are starting to implement it. The plan includes, among other things, individual emotional treatments for the teenage boys and girls.

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